
“I’ll pray for you.” We’ve all said that with great intentions, but we don’t always follow through. Simply enter a name on Redux, and let it become your personal prayer assistant.


You can add any helpful information you choose–contact information, significant dates, prayer needs, and answers to prayer. With every feature and function of the app, keep those you care about at the forefront of your mind.


“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV)



Each person you add has a timeline filled with your tasks, prayer requests, and notes.

Tasks are pretty simple. They remind you to send a text, meet for coffee, or anything else you want to remember.

Redux allows you to keep track of how many times you've prayed, and mark when a request has been answered.

Notes give you a space to remember details. It could be how God answered your prayer, next steps, conversations, or any other relevant information to help you with prayer and discipleship. You can tag each note with helpful focus areas.

Focus Areas

As your relationships deepen, you'll learn more about your friends—their joys and struggles, goals and questions. You can tag any of these as focus areas on the individual timelines.

Note topics like a new job, anxiety, addiction, or whatever they're experiencing. Using this feature will help you keep these items in focus, allowing you to pray, encourage, and disciple more intentionally!

Besides this, tapping specific focus areas gives you access to a library of relevant resources.


Let Redux become your personal prayer assistant


Looking for reliable information on the focus areas? Redux puts a library of resources right at your fingertips.

This feature includes various books, podcasts, articles, or videos to assist you in discipling others. For instance, if your friend asks you a question about forgiveness, you can access relevant resources immediately. 





We use reminders all the time, so why not for something as important as prayer? Simply select what time and how often you would like to be reminded to pray for each person you add to the app.

When Redux sends you a notification, you will be empowered to pray for your friends. It’s that easy!